This past Saturday, a tragedy almost happened in our family. We almost lost Ducky, my 3 year old’s lovey when she dropped out of the stroller unnoticed on our way to a friend’s house. That we found her again was fairly miraculous, and involved my retracing our route in the dark with a flashlight and pushing the stroller, searching with a kid who really wouldn’t go to sleep until we found her on our way back, only 3 blocks from home.
Catastrophe narrowly averted, on Sunday I decided it was time to make sure that never happened again. Enter the ducky leash!
I do want to add, because this was really the thing that made this simple project more complex, that this was designed and sewn entirely with the help of my little Ducky owner. She chose the fabric, carefully handed me each pin, chose the thread color, inserted the bobbin, put the presser foot up and down each time it was needed, and sat on my lap as I sewed. And most helpful of all, she made up a song to help me when I hit a snag: “when the snaps don’t work, try another something” which reminded me that Velcro might be better anyway!