Cover of: Do Not Lick This Book

Personal Book Awards, 2020

Most of 2020 did not go as planned. There is one thing I planned, however, which DID happen. I planned to read 120 books and review them all in Goodreads. Which I did! Here they are, all listed out. Then I went a step further, and gave out awards! Which are what you see below….

Books of 2019: Lightning Reviews

I present: lighting reviews! One sentence reviews of all the books I’ve read in 2019 so far. Please note that some of these are re-reads, as I definitely believe in reading books over and over again. Ancillary Justice, by Anne Leckie Gender bending sci-fi with great complexity of plot detail, rewards a close reading. The…

Library Moments: Child-led discussions

Last week, I went back to a tried and true lesson plan: read aloud and discussion. I chose one book and read it to every class, kindergarten through 5th grade. I chose The Man Who Walked Between the Towers for this exercise. It is a picture book detailing how a street performer named Philippe Petit…

lightning strikes

Book Reviews: lightning round

For your enjoyment and edification, I offer you a lightning round of one sentence reviews of the children’s novels I’ve read so far this summer: The Amaranth Enchantment, by Julie Berry Fun fantasy arranged in a standard evil stepmother and girl-finds-a-prince format. The Leaving, by Tara Altebrando YA suspense novel fails to deliver on its promised intrigue….

Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore

Book Review: Jane Unlimited

In addition to blogging here, I post book reviews on from time to time. Here is one I just wrote, after reading an eARC (eBook Advanced Reading Copy) provided to me by NetGalley. Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore My rating: 4 of 5 stars This book is surrealism defined. It’s like reading a Dali…

A book review and some news

The Last Tree, written by Ingrid Chabbert and illustrated by Guridi, is a short picture book, elegant and concise, but don’t be fooled by its simplicity. This tale of a boy and his friend working hard to save a tree cuts to the quick. The stunning illustrations display the world the boy lives in, with “roads…

Net Galley

Possibly one of the most purely fun jobs of a librarian is collection development. Adding new materials in a pattern that best builds your collection as a thriving complete whole, no section over-enhanced, no section under-appreciated, is an art. The most important piece of that art is listening to your readers. What do they want…